R&D workshop with doctoral students from KIT

Discussions on current and future research topics with our R&D department


In order to coordinate and intensify the cooperation in research topics between the ITIV (Institute of Information Processing Technology at the KIT) and RA Consulting, Prof. Eric Sax’s team of doctoral students presented various research projects last week. Daniel Baumann, Nikola Lukezic, Martin Sommer, Veljko Vucinic, and David Kraus presented their respective research questions and approaches in the workshop. At the same time, colleagues from the R&D department of RA Consulting provided insights into their current research topics.

During the workshop, numerous ideas for future collaborations were collected, e.g.

  • Submission of a proposal for a joint research project in 2025.
  • Direct collaborations, especially for research-relevant investigations with the NEOLIX vehicle.
  • Cooperation in teaching: joint supervision of Master’s and Bachelor’s theses or internships.
  • Joint operation of a laboratory at KIT with the tools of RA Consulting.

NEOLIX vehicle in research and development

The NEOLIX vehicle could be a particular highlight of the collaboration. The prototype of an autonomous vehicle is already being used in various research and development tasks by RA Consulting. For example, the vehicle serves as a test system for collecting training data in sensor and AI projects and for validating our modular embedded software. The NEOLIX vehicle is also part of telematics projects and can be used as a validation or demonstration object for Master’s or Bachelor’s theses.

“These promising approaches show the potential for close and fruitful cooperation between the KIT and RA Consulting. Partnerships between science, industry, and research are always a win-win for all partners,” says Thomas Kotschenreuther, Head of our Research & Development department.

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// Contact us

Kotschenreuther, Thomas
Phone: +49 7251 9819 538
Email: t.kotschenreuther[@]rac.de

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